Educational live session on agate

Recording of an educational live session for mineral and gemstone lovers from my community. This session is about agate, a banded variety of chalcedony that has many different appearances. I give a brief theoretical introduction about the origins and properties of agate after which I show a variety of examples.
I discuss different growth forms of agate, in cavities/geodes in volcanic rocks and in thunder eggs or lythophyses. I further show examples of iris agate, blue lace agate, brecciated agate, Botswana agate, onyx, moss agate and the unusual angular polyhedron agate, among others.
What is your favorite agate?
PS In the video I talk about the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Agate Lexicon, which you can find here. In it you will find thousands of names for different agates with references to resources about that species.
PS2 I mention a YouTube channel of the Dutch agates collector, polisher and expert: Tonny van Hemert, you can find his channel VH Agates here.