Educational live session on agate
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Live Session #29 Live minerals and gemstones Q&A
Recorded live session in which I answer viewers’ questions about minerals, gemstones and crystals using examples from my own collection. The

Live session #28 Jasper
Recorded live session in which I discuss different types of jasper and show beautiful examples of them. Besides the well-known red

Live session #27 Tourmaline
Recorded live session in which I discuss minerals from the Tourmaline group from the Crystal Museum and show beautiful examples of

Live session #26 Pyrite
Recorded live session in which I discuss the mineral Pyrite from the Crystal Museum and show beautiful examples of it. Special

Live session #25 Collecting minerals and rocks
In what ways can you collect minerals and rocks? Do you opt for the aesthetic side or more scientific? How do you organize your collection, what data do you keep, etc.? Of course, many beautiful minerals and rocks will pass by and I will tell about how I started collecting (and how it has now gotten out of hand)….

Live session #24 Amethyst
Recorded live session from the Crystal Museum Borculo. I show all kinds of examples of the well-known mineral amethyst, a purple

Live session #23 Meteorites
Recorded live session in which I discuss the subject of meteorites from the Crystal Museum in Borculo. Among other things, I

Live session #22 Tour of Crystal Museum
Recorded live session in which I tour the Kristalmuseum in Borculo. The beautiful former pre-1900 town hall in Borculo, Gelderland, has

Live session #21 Agate
Recorded live session in which I discuss and show examples of the colorful mineral agate. Agate is a banded variety of

Live session #20 Of everything – minerals
Recorded live session showing, among other things, a number of new minerals I have added to my collection in recent times.

Live session #19 Dangerous minerals!
Recorded live session in which I discuss risks when dealing with minerals. This is because some minerals are quite toxic or

Live session #18 Gem or Scam?
Recorded live session in which I discuss and demonstrate all kinds of Belazerite. I introduced the term Belazerite to refer to

Live session #17 Pyrite
Recorded live session in which I discuss the mineral Pyrite and show beautiful examples of it from around the world. Specimens

Live session #16 Fluorescent minerals
Recorded live session in which I show the phenomenon of fluorescence: minerals that “give light” under the influence of UV light.

Live session #15 Fluorite
Recorded live session in which I discuss the mineral fluorite and show beautiful examples of it from around the world. Over

Live session #14 Volcanic Glass
Recorded live session in which I discuss and show a variety of different forms of volcanic glass. Volcanic glass occurs in

Live session #13 Azurite and Malachite
Recorded live session in which I discuss and showcase the well-known copper minerals azurite and malachite. In addition to the properties

Live Session #12 Gypsum
Recorded live session in which I discuss and demonstrate the diversity of the mineral gypsum. I begin with a brief introduction

Live Session #11 Garnet
Recorded live session in which I discuss and show minerals from the garnet group. I begin with a brief introduction about

Live session #10 Gemstones
Recorded live session in which I discuss some well-known gemstones. When is a mineral actually a gemstone? In this session I

Live session #9 Mica’s
Recorded live session in which I discuss and show minerals from the micaceous or mica group. I begin with a brief

Live session #8 Zeolites
Recorded live session in which I discuss and show examples of different species from the mineral group zeolites! Featured are for

Live session #7 Acquisitions in the collection
Recorded live session in which I show a number of new minerals that I have added to my collection in recent

Live session #6 Feldspar
Recorded live session in which I discuss and show examples of different species from the mineral group feldspars! Featured are, for

Live session #5 Using MinDat online database
Recorded live session in which I show how to use the MinDat.org website when collecting minerals and rocks. Topics covered include

Live session #4 Quartz growth forms
Recorded live session in which I discuss and show examples of different growth forms of the mineral quartz! Topics covered include:

Live session #3 Quartz
Recorded live session in which I discuss and show examples of 10 different types of the mineral quartz! Featured are: rock

Live session #2: Calcite
Recorded live session in which I discuss the mineral calcite and show various examples of it from all over the world

Live session #1: Baryte
Recorded live session in which I discuss the mineral barite and show beautiful examples of it. After about 20 minutes I